Wednesday 30 September 2009

Music video plan and Ideas

After being successful with our pitch, we received the track andbegan timelining.

We intend to open with only the dark silhouette of Stuart visible, with him visible but dark, as the first verse starts, he is lit by "floodlights" and the song lyrics start from there. We intend to have Stuart performing on the greenscreen, allowing us to add him into an artificial environment created by Stephen, in full 3D. As the first verse progresses, the sky lightens and as the chorus starts, the sun rises and by the end of the chorus the sun has risen and we switch to the second scene for the next part of the video. The first scene is a desert scene due to the lyrics and shows Stuart performing in all 4 roles after.

During the video we intend to create a full day cycle. With the song progressing through and following the lyrics with Stuart superimposed. However the issues with this will be creating the lighting for Stuart to be convincingly performing in the environment, meaning they must be done before we commence filming.

The image in this post shows a timeline of how the Instrumental parts, Verses and Choruses are split up, with time frames written down as well as the use of 3 different colours so it's easier to spot where the different sections are. This will help greatly when it comes to storyboarding as we will know exactly how much footage will be needed to cover each section of the song.

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