Sunday, 6 December 2009

Documentary Background

While away over the weekend and only arriving back later on Monday, therefore I am going to miss the lesson, I was inspired by interviews which appear on Sports programs and those on various documentaries, and subsequently made a potential background for our music video making-of-documentary.

We will simply place the music video in a sequence and keyframe the music video where were want to scale and skew to fit in the selected area. Than we edit the values of the areas where we do want to use background and the rest of the video should remain with the music video in fullscreen. As we have already done with the rest of the video containing Stuart, we will Chroma-key him, therefore removing the green screen and super impose him in his chair over the top of it. With a suitable space for him to be sitting on the left. I can re-render this as is appropriate if the footage needs it, however I don't think it will.

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